Virtually delivered clinics:
Coach 1 - Intro to Coach:
For U7 and U9 coaches
Coach 2 - Coach Level:
For U11 and U13 - U21 recreational level coaches
Development 1 Part 1:
For competitive level coaches
On-Demand clinics:
HU - ONLINE Coach 1/Coach 2 (prerequisite for Coach 1 and Coach 2)
Coach 1, Coach 2 and Development 1 Part 1 are hosted online via Zoom. Delegates of these clinics will need to complete HU - ONLINE Coach 1/Coach 2 as a prerequisite to either clinic before they are able to register.
Development 1 is split into two parts, with Part 1 delivered online via Zoom and Part 2 delivered in-person. Delegates must attend Part 1 before attending Part 2.
Instructional Stream categories of Hockey Canada/NCCP coaching clinics and Hockey University (HU) clinics are available on-demand.
We suggest that current or prospective coaches first check our Team Requirements page before registering for a clinic to verify the appropriate level of coach training they need for the level of play they wish to coach.
If you have any questions on coaching clinics, please contact